CTMR along with Chennai circle of the State Forest Department organized a one day training programme on establishing medicinal plants garden at Schools at State Forest Research Institute, kolapakkam on 17th June 2009. Nine schools both government and private schools took part in the training which included visit to the medicinal plant demo garden and display gallery. Principals, Biology teachers as well as school pupil leaders/eco club presidents took active part in the deliberation. Mr.Jainulabudeen, Deputy Conservator of Forest inaugurated the training. Vaidya. S.Usman ali, Director CTMR explained about the procedures of land selection, designing of garden, plant species to be grown and their propagation techniques. Dr.T.Thirunarayanan listed plants of common uses and explained about the simple remedies to be made out of it and dose of use. The forest department assured saplings at very low cost in order to promote medicinal plants garden in schools. The students assured to carry forward the message to other students in the school assembly and assured to maintain the garden.