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Tuesday, May 25, 2010



Centre for Traditional Medicine & Research organized a one day seminar on use of Inorganic drugs in Siddha and Ayurveda Healing Tradition on 25th May 2010. Experts from Siddha, Ayurveda, Chemical Technology, Sanskrit Manuscript Experts, Pharmacognosy, ISM Industry and Traditional Healers took part in the Meeting. Ayurvedic Researcher Dr.T.Varadarajan in his opening remark said that though Rasa drugs are considered supreme, the non availability of original mineral ores and deviation from process mentioned in the classics has created a sense that these drugs could potentially create ‘Adverse Drug Reaction’. According to him in many studies carried out so far the complete safety of these drugs in current form has not been proved beyond doubt as many cause chronic toxicity. Though it is a bitter truth not palatable to ISM practitioners one need to accept this and try to make them into non-toxic drugs by improving the process. He also expressed his apprehension that plant drugs may slowly become extinct and therefore there is an urgent need to work more on inorganic drugs.

Dr.T.Thirunarayanan detailed the classification of inorganic drugs in Siddha and sought the help of experts including language experts in deciphering the different inorganic drugs listed under Uparasas and Pashanas. He also pointed out the difficulty in the use of Terminology Karasaarams for Uppus and explained that there exists a general incorrect perception that Pashanas are synonymous with toxins and in reality they mean only Stone or rock like substances. Vaidya S.Usman Ali explained that uparasas are inorganic substances but could be derived from mineral ores and plant exudates or plant parts and also from animal bones, teeth and marine products. He further clarified that most of the Pashanas are synthetic- man made and they could be similar to Siddha drugs Kattu and Kazhangu. The cross listing of certain materials like camphor under uppus should be rectified.

Vaidya. R.B.Ramamoorthy said though nine gems are classified under uparasas they should only be treated as a separate entity. Dr.M.K.Thigarajan, Secretary i/c of IMPCOPS explained that close to 100 inorganic drugs are used in manufacture and each has in-house developed specification and finished products undergo tests as per standards mentioned in traditional texts. He mentioned IMPCOPS being the manufacturer of Herbo-mineral drugs has a fairly large knowledge base which could be provided for developing standards both for manufacturing and quality assurance if Dept. of AYUSH desires.

Mr.N.Srinivasan, Sanskrit scholar brought out the similarities in terminologies as seen in Siddha and Ayurveda literatures and he mentioned as a neutral person having studied both literatures, he is of the firm view that the classification is only a fine line and that need not be a botheration in advancing both system by working together.

In the valedictory session all speakers expressed their wishes to Vaidya.S.Usman Ali Director of CTMR on whose birth day this workshop was organized and mentioned it was only appropriate to have a brainstorming session like this on his birth day.

Dr.S.Rajkumar Research officer,CTMR coordinated the entire proceedings.

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