Mrs Sheela rani chunkanth,IAS, Principal secretary and CMD, TIIC ltd inaugurated a “Siddha Health Centre” at Chinnandi kuppam, Injambakkam panchayat, on 20/8/10 and in her address stressed the need for use of ISM drugs, its safety and how effective it could be. This unit is run by of Centre for Traditional Medicine and Research (CTMR), Chennai with the support of Tamilnadu Industrial Investment Corporation and The Catalyst Trust. CTMR is a non governmental organization working for promotion of Traditional medicine and involved in developing cost effective treatment procedures with the objective of health care for all. This centre will provide preventive, curative health care to societies including fishing community of Neelangarai, Vettuvangeni area of kancheepuram district. A model herbal garden was also opened which will be useful to the day today health care of this community. Free saplings will be provided to all interested residents of this region. A series of awareness programmes are also planned on personal hygiene, seasonal regimen, healthy food habits, simple herbal preparations suggested in ISM, in coming months.
Dr. T. Thirunarayanan, secretary of CTMR explaining the objectives of the project, a baseline health survey was conducted to know the present health status of the community. Apart from providing curative healthcare for common ailments, major life style related diseases like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, bronchial asthma, and skin diseases will be treated with cleaning therapy and external therapies in this centre. This project is being supported by TIIC Ltd under their ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ and The Catalyst Trust of Chennai which has provided the space.
Ms.Suganthi Gopalakrisnan, Executive director, The Catalyst Trust delivered the presidential address and appealed to the people to utilize the services so that their health expenditure would drastically come down.
Director of CTMR Vaidya S.Usman ali delivered a lecture on “Uses of medicinal plants around you” and highlighted how these plant drugs can help in simple ailments and for ensuring a healthy living. Dr.S. Rajkumar, the Physician in charge of the centre assured that best healthcare would be provided with ISM.
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