Friday, December 31, 2010
Herbal Garden at Primary health Centre
Enhanced nutrition- Siddha way
லதா ஹரிக்ருஷ்ணன், ஜமீன் பல்லாவரம்
பொதுவாகவே ஒல்லியான உடல்வாகு கொண்டவர்கள் புஷ்டியாக ஏதாவது வழிமுறைகள் சித்த வைத்தியத்தில் இருக்கிறதா?
டாக்டர் நாராயணன் :
முதலில் ஒல்லியாக இருப்பவர்கள் குழந்தைகளாக இருந்தாலும் சரி, 20, 25 வயதுடைய இளம் வயதினர்களாக இருந்தாலும் சரி, அவர்களது வயிற்றில் உள்ள பூச்சிகளை அழிக்க, பூச்சி மருந்து கொடுக்க வேண்டும். தேத்ரான் கொட்டை லேகியம் என்ற ஒரு வகை லேகியம் கொடுக்கலாம். தேத்ரான் கொட்டையைச் சாதாரணமாக, தண்ணீரைச் சுத்தப்படுத்த பயன்படுத்துவார்கள். இந்த லேகியத்தைக் குழந்தைகளாக இருந்தால், 1 கிராம் முதல் இரண்டு கிராம் தினமும் உட்கொள்ளலாம், பள்ளிக்குச் செல்லும் குழந்தைகள் தினமும் 2 முதல் 5 கிராம் வீதம் இந்த லேகியத்தைச் சாப்பிடலாம். அதேபோல அஷ்வகந்தி லேகியம், நெல்லிக்கா லேகியம் (ச்யவனப்ராஷ்) சாப்பிடுவதும் நல்ல பலனைத் தரும்."
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Winter care
75 வயதை நெருங்கிய என் தாயாருக்கு, குளிரைத் தாங்கிக் கொள்ள முடியாமல் ரொம்பவும் கஷ்டப்படுகிறார். அவருக்கு எந்த மாதிரியான உணவு வகைகளை இந்தக் குளிர் காலத்தில் சேர்த்துக் கொள்வது நலம் அளிக்கும்?
சித்த மருத்துவர் பத்மப்ரியா :
“இந்தக் குளிர் காலம் என்பது இரவு நீண்ட நேரமும், பகல் என்பது குறைவாகவும் உள்ள ஒரு காலம். அதிகாலையில் பசி எல்லோருக்குமே அதிகமாக இருக்கும். நல்ல சக்தி கொடுக்கக் கூடிய வெல்லம் கலந்த கடலை உருண்டைகள் நமக்குக் குளிரைத் தாங்கிக் கொள்ளக் கூடிய சக்தியைக் கொடுக்கும். சுக்கு, மிளகு சேர்த்து செய்த குழம்பு வகைகள், மற்றும் தூதுவளை, கொள்ளு சேர்த்த சூப் வகைகள் நம் உடம்பில் கபம் ஏறாமல், உடம்புக்குத் தேவையான சூட்டைக் கொடுக்கும். இந்தப் பனிக்காலத்தில், அடிக்கடி ஏற்படக்கூடிய ஒரு தொந்தரவு தொண்டை கட்டுவது. இதைப் போக்க, பத்து மிளகை நெய்யில் வறுத்துப் பொடி செய்து அதைத் தேனில் கலந்து சாப்பிட்டால் மார்கழி பனியை ரசிக்கலாம்.”
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Free AYUSH clinic at Kundhukottai

377 patients were screened and medical advice and free medicines worth Rs 35,000 was provided to them by a team of seven Siddha physicians About 150 women were screened for anemia and equal number of patients for diabetes and hypertension.
CTMR wishes to acknowledge the following Siddha physicians from Tamilnadu medical services for volunteering their services
Dr. J.Padmanandam – G.H Denkani kottai
Dr. R.Asokan - GPHC, Thally
Dr. R.Sudha – Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai
Dr. Vijayalakshmi –GPHC Bagalur
Dr. Sugumaran – G.H Hosur
Team from CTMR
Dr. T.Thirunarayanan
Dr. S. Rajkumar
Team also records its appreciation for conducting blood tests.
Ms. Lakshmi – VHN – Jujuvadi
Ms. Prema – VHN –Kundhukottai
The Following Traditional healers took part in the camp, helped the physicians by explaining the drug dose, lifestyle modification to the patients as well as in dispensing.
Mr. Kempay ramaiah – Urigam
Mr. Somasekar – Palacode
Mr. Basawaraj – Kottaiyur
Mr. Santhanakrishnan – Mookantapalli
Mr. Kandasamy – Hosur
Mr. Ramnarayanan- Mechari
About 100 medicinal plant saplings were distributed to the interested persons by Mr.Naidu, a private nursery owner.
The free clinic will be run by CTMR and a Traditional healer will visit the clinic and provide primary health care and refer patients for further treatment if required to G.H Denkanikottai.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Dr. K.R.Venkatasubban commemorative lecture
Ø Cytology and chromosome morphology
Ø Extention to Cytotaxonomy and Phylogeny
Ø Phyletic scheme
He Concentrated on
Ø Scitaminaeae
Ø Bignoniaceae
Ø Palmae
Ø Droseraceae
Ø Compositae
1944-1968 at MCC
Ø Head Botany
Ø Curator
Ø I came to know Dr.K.R.V during 1954-55
Ø Became his student from 1956-62
Ø Dr.K.R.V. taught PUC in 1956
Ø Dominated on the black board
Ø Dr. Joshua taught PUC
Ø Practical record work!
Ø No carry to room
Ø He enriched collections to start M.Sc course from 1957.
Ø He cycled with me and Bhatt.
Ø Tambaram-Pallavaram- Vandaloor
Ø Tiruporur- Kovalam-Mahabalipuram
Ø Tours to Krusadi, Ooty, Tenmalai
Ø Moses
Ø Ramdoss.
Ø After 1946-47 his papers did not appear-Reasons!
Ø Paucity of funds, time, People?
What He taught us?
Ø Botany?
Ø English?
Ø Painting?
Painting- The Tropical rain forest- Biometrics
Ø Dr. K.R. Venkatasubban
Ø The human being!
Ø Working machine
Ø No waste- No nonsense- PLAN& DO
Ø Every inch a gentleman!
Ø To everyone- everybody
Siddha Physician
Centre for Traditional Medicine & Research
Equilibrium of the tōsam –Vātam-Pītam-Kapam- is maintained by balanced foods, which are made up of six tastes, taken in an appropriate proportion.
Ø Food influences both the mind and the physical body and consequently models individuals’ character and wellbeing.
Impact of change
Ø Relying on these concepts, Siddha practitioners give a special attention on food prescription for treating their patients.
Ø This aspect is particularly relevant to correct change of diet which shifts from traditional food and food habits to high-energy foods.
Ø Due to this change, people are more prone to develop food-related pathology such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disorders and micronutrients deficiencies.
Calorific value Vs Minor Plant constituents
Ø The diet is not determined only by the calorific value of the food or the composition of carbohydrate, protein, fat, presence of vitamins and mineral as done by conventional dieticians.
Ø The minor plant constituents- phytochemical substance which often contribute for the colour, taste, flavour of the food ingredient has a major role in health.
Ø The taste and aroma often suggest the predominant bootha (Gross element) and tosam that the food ingredient nourish or suppress, and consequently has a significant role in bringing back the deranged tosam to the equilibrium.
Food and Mind
Ø Siddha medicine attributes altered metabolism of food that turns toxic as a key factor for disease causation.
Ø Since mind plays a very significant role in many of the diseases like stress, diabetes, hypertension, dermatological diseases, primary food prescriptions are the satvic food which form the base of the food pyramid.
Food Classification
Ø Satvic foods have a mild sweet taste which includes Juicy and pulpy fruits, leafy green vegetables, milk, buttermilk, cow’s clarified butter, which gets easily assimilated into the system at the same time ensure elimination of the waste
Ø Rajasic foods consist of hot, spicy, pungent ingredients and wholesome grains which provide energy.
Ø Tamasic foods are fat rich substances, with astringent, sour taste, including alcohol, non vegetarian, stale food, highly refined and polished ingredients and ones that leads to constipation.
Fish, Fisherman & Skin disease
Ø ”Even in skin diseases, they don’t want to avoid fish”.
Ø Despite the fact that they eat fish, their skin problem is less than in other areas.
Ø So, “though we generally believe that you should avoid fish when having skin problem, here we see that no generalization should be made.
Ø If you look critically at diseases that occur in different geographical zones, they also vary. So it is not correct to generalize diet restriction based on Siddha medicine.
Is Generalization possible
Ø Generalization, as far as diet restriction is concerned, may not apply to Siddha .
Ø Like treatment, dietary recommendation should be individualistic, with a broader understanding
Ø Choice of diet recommendation should be based according to geographical zones, as well as on food habits, age, morphology of patients, temperament (Vātam-Pītam-Kapam) and seasons
Do patients follow
Ø The patients are “very resistant, unable to follow diet advices”.
Ø This is because of their regular habits and the availability of food items.
Ø Most of the time, initial resistance occurs because the practitioner does not offer alternatives, or that the suggested alternative is not affordable or available or palatable
Resistance and choice
Ø Instead of restricting the patient, forbid food items, make the patient aware of the other food items he can eat instead. “Give choice and make that choice affordable, available.”
Ø To a diabetic patient, list all the other food items that patient can eat which will not be harmful : “The moment you list them up, they realize yes I can take this or that. But if you only restrict, nobody is going to come to you”.
Ø Though people initially don’t bother or try to resist to diet advise, once their problem becomes intense and severe, they are willing to do whatever the physician says.
Ø But, if they had started adapting their diet in the beginning, that situation would not have become so worse. If the problem is intense and severe, there is no resistance from the patient to the diet advise that you suggest.”
Special food and availability
Ø Organic food is one and a half times costlier than commercial food but is good.
Ø We are recommending minor millets but the cultivation of it has become so low that its availability has become less and the cost of it has gone up.
Ø What was available to the villagers in the backyard, they now have to buy it at large cost.
Ø Rare items should not be suggested, but it choice should be given in what is available in the shop next to them.
Ready to eat
Ø Nowadays, people want everything in ready made pack.
Ø For example if physician ask them to take [Cissus quadrangularis], they will tell him ‘ sir if it’s available in powder which I can add to food and eat, I will take it. But don’t ask me to go and hunt for it, process it, make it into a powder, keep it ready and use
Ø People’s acceptance of this kind of product will be better if it is ready to use. However best possible effort should be made to increase shelf-life, palatability using natural ingredients.
Ø It as much a problem of time as of availability, laziness and mind set of the people.
Ø There is no point in blaming the patient, the importance of the diet change, or the lifestyle modification should be told to them in such a palatable way so that it stimulates them to follow that
Product forms
Ø Herbal teas (Kasayam)
Ø Soups (Rasam)
Ø Herbal water
Ø Herbal beverages (Amla drink- Aloe drink)
Ø Squash/Syrups (Panagam/Manapaagu)
Ø Herbal powders
Ø Chutneys
Ø Porridge (Kanjee)
Ø Fruit preserves (Thaenooral)
Stable food
Ø Though cereals particularly rice is the stable food, Siddha practitioners recommend parboiled and hand pound unpolished rice particularly of the traditional variety like Mani samba, Seeraka samba, Karunkuruvai.
Ø This is often taken along with minor millets like ragi, finger millet etc and pulses
Food for different period of the day –Breakfast
Ø The breakfast time being the period of Vātam, the porridge is best suited form
Ø Porridge made with rice and dry ginger helps in indigestion, anorexia, Vātam associated with pitham. Porridge of Yavam – barley is helpful in diabetes, Porridge made with puffed rice and milk helps in burning micturation. Porridge made with rice and horse gram improves physical stamina and in renal diseases.
Ø Minor millets cooked with buttermilk and spices are a typical lunch for physical labour as lunch time is the time of predominance of pitham.
Ø Food of hand pound rice with plenty of baked vegetables particularly the tender ones of country beans, cluster beans, beans, leafy vegetables, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, white pumpkin, drumstick etc. banana stem, flower and tender banana are good. Tubers excepting yam is best avoided,
Ø Raw papaya is good in removing renal calculi, large quantity of butter milk is ideal.
Ø The rice when taken should preferably of the following type, Lemon rice,Goose berry rice, Coriander rice , Curry leaf, Mint rice, Sesame seed rice,Jeera rice
Snack food
Ø The snack foods generally are the ones with are either cooked and garnished sprouts of different pulses, roasted nuts, snack balls made with palm jaggery with of puffed rice or Sesame seeds or green gram flour or groundnut.
Ø Fibrous fruits like fig, Guvava, papaya, preserves of Amla, Pomegranate etc.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Centre for Traditional medicine & Research is organizing Siddha Awareness camp and free medical camp at Kundhukottai village near Denkanikottai- tHally block of Krishnagiri district for the welfare of Tribals and forest dependant communities on 5th Dec 2010 at the Govt. School campus from 9.30 am. Mr.V.Prabakaran I.F.S Director of Sericulture, Govt. of Tamilnadu has kindly consented to inagurate the camp.Local panchayat president Mr.M.Jeyaraman will preside our the meeting..Dr.J.padmanandam Senior Siddha Medical officer -Govt . Hospital Denkanikottai will deliver the key note address and Six siddha doctors are expected to screen over 300 persons and provide medical consultation and free medicines. Medicinal Tree saplings suitable for the region will be provided free to participants and sericulture farmers.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Madras eye - Padigapaneer
கண் பராமரிப்பில் படிகாரம் ரொம்ப உப யோகமானது என என் தோழி சொல்கிறாள். இது உண்மையா?
சித்த மருத்துவர் நாராயணன்:
‘ ‘ஆம். உங்கள் தோழியின் கூற்று சரியே. கண் பராமரிப்பில் படிகாரம் சிறந்த மருத்துவப் பொருளாகப் பார்க்கப்படுகிறது. இதை ஒரு anti bacterial agent என்று ஆங்கிலத்தில் கூறுவார்கள். எந்த விதமான காயங்களையும் ஆற வைக்கக் கூடிய ஆற்றல் படைத்தது படிகாரம். குறிப்பாக, கண்களில் ஏற்படும் மெட்ராஸ் ஐ போன்ற தொற்றுகளுக்குப் படிகாரம் ஒரு சிறந்த மருந்து. படிகாரத்தைப் பொடி செய்து பன்னீரோடு கலந்து அதை ஐ ட்ராப் போல கண்களில் போட்டுக் கொண்டு வந்தால், மெட்ராஸ் ஐ குணமாகும். கண்களில் ஏற்படும் புரை பரவாமல் இருக்கவும் இந்தப் படிகாரம் உதவி புரிகிறது.
சேகர், கூடலூர்
கொசுக்களின் தொல்லை அதிகமாக எங்கள் வீட்டைச் சுற்றி இருக்கிறது. இயற்கையான முறையில் கொசுக் கடியிலிருந்து தப்பிக்க ஏதாவது வழி இருக்கிறதா?
“உங்கள் வீட்டைச் சுற்றி முதலில் தண்ணீர் தேங்காமல் பார்த்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள். கொசுக்கள் உற்பத்தியாவதும், தங்கு வதும் தேங்கி நிற்கும் தண்ணீரில் தான். உங்கள் வீட்டைச் சுற்றித் தேங்கி இருக்கும் தண்ணீரில், மண்ணெண்ணெய் தெளியுங்கள், லெமன் க்ராஸ் எண்ணெய் கிடைத்தாலும் தெளிக்கலாம். இவை கொசுக்களை ஒழித்து விடக்கூடிய தன்மை வாய்ந்தது. கொதிக்க வைத்த தண்ணீரில் நொச்சி இலையையும், citronella எண்ணெயையும் கலந்து அந்த ஆவியைக் கொசுக்கள் இருக்கும் இடத்தில் காட்டினால், கொசுக்கள் வராது.”
Monday, November 1, 2010
Pachamalai Tribals forget Traditional Medical Knowledge

Pachamalai hill range extends into Trichy and Salem districts of Tamilnadu. The approach to the hills is from Uppiliapuram. The base station is Shobanapuram 4 Kms from uppiliapuram. The 12 km drive from foot hill to Top senkattupatti is a wonderful location for people interested in medicinal plants. As one reaches the first habitation of Thenpuranadu, hamlets on the right side belong to Trichy district, while the left side belong to Salem district. CTMR team comprising of Vd.S.Usman Ali, Dr.T.Thirunarayanan. Dr.S.Rajkumar along with Dr.T.R Siddique Ali interacted with the Village administrative officer, Tribal headmen individually and tribal men collectively at Top sengattupatty, Periyanagoor, Mayalampaddi, Nalla mathur. To the surprise of the team inspite of the rich availability of medicinal plant flora, the tribals have completely forgotton the traditional medical knowledge excepting two village elders who treat patients for poisonous bites. One of the Govt. Primary Health Centre also has a Siddha physician and only a very few patients take traditional medicine. Apart from cattle rearing and Tapioca monoculture no other economic activity is being carried out. The monoculture of tapioca has led to destruction of the native flora. Surprisingly collection of Minor Forest produce like Chebulic myrobalan is also not being taken up by the tribal as they consider that less remunerative due to the high transportation cost.
Naripadi village 7 Km from kodamalai on the other side of Pachamalai slope in the Gangavalli Taluk of salem was no better as most of the tribal have taken up other vocation. Youngsters have joined central Govt departments like railways and postal department. An eighty year old Poojari of the temple is the only person still preserving traditional knowledge and also growing medicinal plants for dispensing to his patients
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
- Six Physicians will examine 300 Patients, offer medical advice including diet and lifestyle.
- Medicines will also be provided free of cost.
- This camp will be followed by training select local women as health volunteers and weekly consultation will be provided. They will also be trained in identifying local medicinal plant resources and effective use of the same for simple ailments.
CONTACT : Dr.S.Rajkumar for details at 044-22533399
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Managing common cold
என் 10 வயது மகனுக்குக் கடந்த ஒரு வாரமாக, சளித்தொல்லை இருந்து வருகிறது. இதனால், இடைவிடாத தலைவலி, இருமல், உடல் வலி, பசியின்மை போன்ற உபாதைகளால் அவதியுறுகிறான். இதற்கு இயற்கை வைத்தியம் இருக்கிறதா?”
சித்த மருத்துவர் நாராயணன்:
நாம் குடிக்கும் தண்ணீரில் கிருமிகள் இருந்தால், இப்படிச் சளித்தொல்லை வரலாம். குடிக்கும் தண்ணீரை நன்றாகக் கொதிக்க வைத்து அதில் சீரகத்தைச் சேர்த்துப் பருகுவது நல்ல பலனைக் கொடுக்கும். பதிமுகம் என்ற ஒரு தண்டை, தண்ணீரில் போட்டு கேரள மாநிலத்தவர்கள் பருகுவார்கள். அது கிடைத்தாலும் அப்படிச் செய்யலாம். கூடுமானவரை மழையில் நனையாமல் இருப்பது, சளி வராமல் தப்பித்துக் கொள்ள உதவும். அப்படிச் சளி வந்துவிட்டால், தண்ணீரை நன்றாகக் கொதிக்க வைத்து ஆவி பிடிக்கலாம், இரவு வேளையில் பாலில் மஞ்சள் பொடி மற்றும் மிளகுப் பொடி சேர்த்துக் கொதிக்க வைத்துப் பருகலாம். ஆடாதொடை இலை, துளசி, சித்தரத்தை மற்றும் மிளகு சேர்த்து கஷாயம் போல் செய்து சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால் சளித் தொல்லை கட்டுப்பாட்டுக்குள் வரும். ஆடாதொடை இலை பூ விற்பவர்களிடம் கிடைக்கும். கண்டந்திப்பிலி ரசம் சாப்பிடுவதும் நல்லது. தீபாவளி வரை இப்படிச் சளி, இருமல், காய்ச்சல் என்பது பரவலாகப் பலருக்கும் இருக்கும். நான் மேற்கூறிய கை வைத்தியங்களை இவர்கள் செய்து கொள்ளலாம். அதைப் போலவே, நிலவேம்பு குடிநீர் பொடி சித்த மருந்தகங்களில் கிடைக்கும், அதைக் கொதிக்கும் நீரில் போட்டுச் சாப்பிடுவதும் நல்லது.
Workshop on Astrology as tool for disease prediction
Emphasis on learning astrology by a healer is stressed in Traditional Tamil Siddha medicine. The same principle is emphasized by the father of modern medicine Hippocrates
“The man who is ignorant of the science of astrology, deserves the name of fool rather than that of physician.”- Hippocrates
CTMR organized a workshop on 17th Oct, 2010 at its office at Adambakkam, Chennai on ‘Influence of astrology in Health and Disease’.
Dr.T.Thirunarayanan, Secretary CTMR explained the objective of the workshop as to explore and understand the influence of astrology in health and disease in proper perspective as part of the Validation process of Local Health Traditions project being carrying out with support from AYUSH. He mentioned Astrology as a tool in predicting disease and treatment is used by Traditional healers in Tamilnadu.
Dr.S.Ganesan, a Chemical technologist and a researcher on astrology with specific interest in health, delivered the plenary lecture and explained the strong scientific rationale of how this traditional science plays a key role in determining and projecting disease diagnosis and treatment. He detailed the concepts of ‘Kalapurusha’, how the Zodiac signs were classified into 12 and the degree of influence of each sign, the house of Grahas, bhavas etc., The significance of planetary positions in different disease conditions and determining the appropriate treatment, surgical intervention or medical remedy would help the individual was explained. Case presentation on the planetary positions in terminally ill patients and how the time of death would be predicted was explained by him. Similarly how a doctor becomes a specialist in a given field would also be determined by the planetary positions. He concluded by stating that astrology is not a science exclusive to India and different cultures have used it for disease prediction and treatment and astrology would be used to prevent diseases by taking the warnings and changing lifestyle at least to prevent complications.
Following the invited lecture, Dr.R.Manikandan, a post graduate Siddha Physician and hailing from the family of Traditional healer who practices astrology as well made case presentations of positions of different planets in Congestive Cardiac failure, Renal disease, Diabetes and Cancer. He stressed once the planetary position changes for the good the prognosis is also good and disease complications will slowly disappear.
Dr.D.Narasimhan from Centre of floristic study, Madras Christian College and a renowned ethnobotonist highlighted the research being carried out on epigenetic on similar lines and suggested CTMR to document more case history and also suggested to develop simple software for clinical applications.
Dr.S.Rajkumar of CTMR thanked the participants for their interaction and promised to take this forward as a research project in the near future.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
CTMR - Workshop on
Influence of Planets on Health and Disease
Dr.S.Ganesan & Dr.R.Manikantan
Date and Time - 17th Oct,2010- Sunday 2.00 P.M
Venue : Centre for Traditional Medicine & Research
4A, 4th Cross Street
Mahalakshmi Nagar
Pl Register 044-22533399/9444018158
E-Mail :
Friday, September 10, 2010
Foot crack
எனக்கு வயது முப்பது. என் பாதத்தில் உள்ள பித்த வெடிப்பு பெரும் மன இறுக்கத்தைக் கொடுக்கிறது. ஏன் பாத வெடிப்பு ஏற்படுகிறது? இதற்குப் பாரம்பரிய மருத்துவத் தீர்வு என்ன?
சித்த மருத்துவர் திரு நாராயணன்:
பித்தவெடிப்பு அல்லது பாதவெடிப்புத் தோன்ற முக்கியமான காரணங்கள்.... ஒன்று அதிக நேரம் தண்ணீரில் நிற்பது. இரண்டாவது, கரடுமுரடான தரையில் நடப்பது. மூன்றாவது, சேற்றில் அதிக நேரம் காலை வைப்பதுதான். துணி துவைக்கப் பயன்படுத்தும் சோப்புகளில் உள்ள கெமிக்கல்ஸினால் சிலருக்குக் கைகளில் வெடிப்பு வரும். அதுபோலவே, அதே கெமிக்கல்ஸ்கள் காலில் படுவதாலும் வெடிப்புகள் தோன்றும். தரமான சோப்பைப் பயன்படுத்திப் பாதத்தைச் சுத்தம் செய்ய வேண்டும். குளித்து முடித்த உடன் உலர்ந்த டவலால், பாதத்தை நன்றாகத் துடைத் திட வேண்டும். முடிந்தவரை பாதத்தை உலர்வாக வைத்துக்கொள்வது நல்லது. ‘திரிபலா சூரணம்’ (கடுக்காய், நெல் லிக்காய் தான்றிக்காய்) என்ற ஒரு சூரணத்தைக் கொண்டு பாதத்தைத் தேய்த்துச் சுத்தம் செய்து வந்தால், பித்தவெடிப்பில் உள்ள புஞ்சை அழிந்து, தோலுக்கு மிருதுவான தன்மை கிடைக்கும். அடுத்து, கிளிஞ்சல் மெழுகு என்று அழைக்கப்படும் (அதாவது கிளிஞ்சல் மற்றும் விளக்கெண்ணெய் சேர்த்துத் தயாரிக்கப்படும்) க்ரீமைத் தடவி வருவதால் பாதத்தை மிருதுவாக்கிப் பித்தவெடிப்பைப் போக்கும்
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Oil bath
அவசியம் எண்ணெய் தேய்த்துக் குளித்தே ஆகணுமா...? அதனால் அப்படி என்னதான் பயன்?சித்த மருத்துவர் திருநாராயணன்:“சித்த - ஆயுர்வேத மருத்துவங்களில் எண்ணெய் தேய்த்தலுக்கு மருத்துவ ரீதியாகப் பெரும் முக்கியத்துவம் உண்டு. ஒரு சிலருக்கு உடலில் சூடு (ஒரு வகையான பித்தம்) அதிகமாக இருக்கும். அதைத் தணிக்க, சந்தனாதி தைலத்தைப் பூசுவது நல்ல பலன் அளிக்கும். அதேபோல வாதத்தைப் போக்க சுக்குத் தைலமும் கபத்தை நீக்க பூண்டும் மிளகும் சேர்த்துத் தயாரிக்கப் பட்ட எண்ணெயும் பயன்படுத்தலாம். இவை எல்லாவற்றையும்விட நல்லெண்ணெய் கொண்டு வாரத்தில் இரண்டு நாட்கள் அல்லது ஒரு நாளாவது உச்சி முதல் உள்ளங்கால் வரை தடவிக் குளித்தால், நமது சருமத்துக்குப் புத்துணர்ச்சி கிடைக்கும். மேலும் நல்லெண்ணெயில் உள்ள sesamin நமது சருமத்தை இளமையாக வைக்க உதவும். சூரியனின் வெப்பம் நமது சருமத்தைத் தாக்குவதால் வரக் கூடிய தோலின் வறட்சித் தன்மை மற்றும் வயது முதிர்ந்த தன்மையை நல்லெண்ணெய் போக்கிவிடும்.”
Friday, August 20, 2010
Siddha Health Centre Inauguration

Dr. T. Thirunarayanan, secretary of CTMR explaining the objectives of the project, a baseline health survey was conducted to know the present health status of the community. Apart from providing curative healthcare for common ailments, major life style related diseases like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, bronchial asthma, and skin diseases will be treated with cleaning therapy and external therapies in this centre. This project is being supported by TIIC Ltd under their ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ and The Catalyst Trust of Chennai which has provided the space.
Ms.Suganthi Gopalakrisnan, Executive director, The Catalyst Trust delivered the presidential address and appealed to the people to utilize the services so that their health expenditure would drastically come down.
Director of CTMR Vaidya S.Usman ali delivered a lecture on “Uses of medicinal plants around you” and highlighted how these plant drugs can help in simple ailments and for ensuring a healthy living. Dr.S. Rajkumar, the Physician in charge of the centre assured that best healthcare would be provided with ISM.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
SIddha Health Centre
4A, IV Cross Street, Mahalakshmi Nagar,
Adambakkam, Chennai -88
Cordially invites you to grace the inauguration of
“Siddha Health Centre”
for reaching the unreached
(Supported by TIIC and Catalyst Trust)
on 20/8/10 at 10.00 a.m
at Chinnandikuppam community hall.
Chennai- 600041
Sri. R. Desikan,
Chairman, “The Catalyst Trust”
will preside.
Smt. Sheela Rani Chunkath IAS
Principal secretary/
Chairperson and Managing Director, TIIC Ltd.
will inaugurate the Centre
Sri. P. Arulmudi.
Managing Trustee, AMR Charitable Trust
will deliver the felicitation address
President, Injambakkam Panchayat.
Vaidya. S.Usman Ali Dr.T.Thirunarayanan
22533399 9444018158
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
CTMR Objects to AYUSH Practitioners practising allopathy
Favouring the arguments of the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the Chennai based Centre for Traditional Medicines and Research (CTMR), a research institute giving guidance and training to Ayush doctors, has now taken a different stand on the issue of practicing allopathic system by ISM doctors.The Centre had categorically said that it favours the IMA in their arguments that the Ayush practitioners are not eligible to practice allopathy or do surgery because the basic understanding and principles of health, diseases and treatment are different for both the system. Further, the approach to treatment is also different.The Centre's secretary, Dr T Thirunarayanan, who is a research guide for practising traditional doctors and engaged in conducting Ayush training programs, has said that only basic medical sciences like anatomy, physiology, clinical microbiology and basics of clinical pathology are taught at undergraduate level of siddha education. This is purely for the purpose of comparative understanding and interpretation of clinical test reports. This does not mean that the siddha graduates can engage in the practice of modern healing system, he asserted.According to him, the materia medica contains plant, animal and herbomineral drugs, and the modality of drug actions is based on five elements and 'tridoshic' principles (three humours) including taste, quality, aftertaste, potency and unique action, which are not similar to pharmacological actions as explained in the modern medicine. Therefore it is wrong to claim that the siddha graduates possess the knowledge of bio-medicine, he said."The bio-medicine terminology is being taught to the siddha students only for the purpose of understanding the surgical conditions. No surgical procedures are taught to them and no practical training is imparted. Only the students of Govt Siddha Medical College, Chennai have the opportunity to learn in the department of obstetrics & gynaecology of the Kilpauk Medical College and none of the students of siddha from other eight colleges has this kind of facility", Thirunarayanan said.Dr Thirunarayanan, who was also a lecturer of siddha previously, commented that Central Council of Indian Medicines was formed by the Act of Indian Constitution which meant only for deciding teaching and regulating ethical practices of Indian systems of medicine. Therefore, it has no mandate to recommend training and allowing practice of modern medicine, and their notification in this regard is erroneous.While sharing his opinion with Pharmabiz, the siddha scholar pointed out that proper orientation was needed to the siddha doctors who strived for permission in practicing modern medicine. He said in remote areas some siddha doctors might have been given permission to provide first aid treatment but that does not allow them to take advantage of the situation. He said the IMA should also insist on the Government to provide adequate funds for Siddha in public health system and encourage siddha doctors in GHs and PHCs and treat them as equal partners who work for the wellbeing of the society. Encouraging cross practice will be a blow to the traditional science as this will be taken as an alternative route for those who do realise the greatness of siddha
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Utility pattern of Siddha Medicine in Fishing hamlet
Survey date: 6th August, 2010
Location: The survey location is the fishermen colony –Chinnandikuppam on the beach less than 400 mts from beach front and 600 mts from the East coast road at Vetuvankeni village of Injambakkam panchayat of St. Thomas Mount block of kanchipuram district. This kuppam has well laid internal roads with cement and good road connecting the east coast road.
Survey team:
Four Siddha physicians, five Post-Graduate Students of National Institute of Siddha, two interns and eight students from Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College took part in the survey. They were divided into eight groups each consisting of a Post-graduate and undergraduate student and it was ensured a lady is present in the team so that women members of the families freely interact with them. Five local community leaders helped the volunteers. The objective of the survey, modality was briefed to the survey team by CTMR secretary Dr.T.Thirunarayanan
Interview was conducted with help of the structured questionnaire followed by informal discussion. The date was chosen in consultation with the fishermen community leaders as all residents stay at home on Fridays due to lesser demand for fish. 100 households were covered in the survey.
Occupation of the head of the household: Over 80 % are fishermen, while few work as tailor, vegetable vendor, drivers, street traders, real estate agents. Most women members sell fish in the market.
Average Size of the household: Range from 3-9 with average of 5 members.
House: Most houses are with Reinforced Concrete Construction with 20% with kutcha roof. 80% live in own house. Almost all men involved in fishing own house, while people who work as vegetable vendor, tailor, book packer live in rented houses. Average size of house is 400 Sq.Ft. 70% of the houses have toilets. Kutcha houses do not have toilets.
Educational Status: Majority of the men over 30 years of age have minimal formal education (10th Standard) while at least 10% women are graduates and over 30% have
completed school education. The current generation most children are sent to schools particularly AMM matriculation school and many girls are graduates.
Habits: All are non-vegetarians and incidence of alcoholism is very high (50%) among men while use of Paan parag or smoking is less than 20%
Disease incidence: Acute : Frequent among children and rare in adults. Fever – Flu and Typhoid, Upper respiratory infection, jaundice, injury
Chronic disease: 20% Low back pain, 30% arthritis, 6% Hypertension, 10 % Diabetes 5 % IHD, 9% Br.Asthma, 5% Hemorrhoids. 3% Thyroid disorders 10% anemia among adults.
Two adults have undergone angioplasty in a private hospital.
Medical care used:
Majority use the services of private doctors and a few use Royapettah Govt. Hospital. (14 kms away)
Only 3% of the persons have taken Siddha, Ayurveda treatment
Less than 10% has awareness about traditional medicine- Siddha and Ayurveda. Even among them there is no knowledge about where to get treated. Some women who are educated have apprehension about safety of the drugs and concomitant administration of drugs.
Medical expenses incurred per month:
The expenses range from Rs 100 to Rs 2000 and the average works out to Rs 500/ mostly for young children and elderly.
Interest in growing medicinal plants:
Plants like Aloe, Tulsi, Cissus, Coleus aromaticus, Cassia alata are already grown and most would like to grow medicinal plants in pots.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
‘Traditional healers of Tamilnadu -Traditional Healing Practices and Ethno Botanical Collection'

Date: 31st July and 1st August, 2010
The choice of venue was due to the fact that it is a learning centre of higher consciousness with good ambience and proximity for the healers and infrastructure for accommodating the healers and also to provide them insight into the various traditional medicine related activities of the centre like medicinal plants demonstration garden, medicinal plants value addition unit, organic farming of medicinal plants and conservation of endangered medicinal trees including Saraca asoka apart from the well maintained hospital in the remote tribal area.
The key objective of the workshop was to bring together expert traditional healers from different region of the state and exchange the knowledge and health practices. Major themes were Varma chiktsa, Visha vaidyam, Bone setting, Women and Child health apart from ethonobotanical resource and practices of different tribal groups. Communication were sent to over 1000 Siddha physicians both institutionally trained as well as traditional healers by Short messaging Services, E-mail and Snail mail and based on feedback 60 healers were identified and invited as delegates. All most all districts were thus covered. Additionally 30 traditional healers and institutionally trained physicians of Siddha and Ayurveda took part as non-residential delegates. Members of other NGO’s like Isha yoga trust, Coimbatore Tree Growers association also took part. Most of the residential delegates reported one day in advance and arrangements were made for pre-conference informal interaction and visit to Nilgiri Bio-sphere Park. The media release about the workshop created a good awareness and healers from neighborhood districts attended the workshop as observers.
Inaugural session.
The Workshop was inaugurated by Swami Shakshatkarananda, the resident acharya of the centre for higher learning. Swamiji explained the importance of traditions and their contribution to Indian society and also stressed that the traditional healing practices had been continuously nurturing the well-being of communities even in inaccessible areas. Swamiji released the workshop souvenir. Dr.T. Thirunarayanan, Secretary, CTMR; said documentation of traditional knowledge was necessary for the revival of the ancient system and also spoke on Siddha system, the folklore associated with it and its importance in health care, affordability, availability and accessibility particularly for primary health care and in chronic disease conditions. Dr D. Narasimhan, Professor in Madras Christian College and a renowned ethno botanist delivered the key note address and explained the richness of the Indian tradition and the need to protect community-based intellectual property.
The Session on Varma had lecture demonstration by Vd.Mohanraj of Munchirai and Vd.Ramaswamy of Ragavendra varma hospital for Spinal disorders Chennai. ‘Hands on training’ on locating varma points of the head region and simple healing techniques was given. Vd.Murugesan of Pulliyarai and Vd.Kanagaraj took part in the discussion that followed.
The Session on ethnobotanical resources was chaired by Vaidya. S.Usman Ali and he presented Ethnobotanical resources used by different ethnic groups of Tamilnadu and explained the scientific research carried out on plants more frequently used by the healers in poison treatment, bone setting and varma. He called upon the healers to continuously upgrade their knowledge by frequent interactions among themselves and with researchers and institutionally trained ISM. Physicians. Five healers from Tirupur, Theni, Thanjavur, Dharmapuri and Tenkasi shared their experience on treating common ailments, skin diseases, renal stones, respiratory illness and gynecological disorders. Vaidya G.Swami of Kabilarmali in Namakkal district an octogenarian spoke about medical ethics. Vaidya Kandasamy spoke about the effectiveness of plant derived salts.
Dr.S.Rajkumar made a presentation on the various treatment procedures adopted in treating poison bites and also other types of poisons in the Session on Visha vidyam. Vd. Kuppuswamy and Vd.Vellakamu exhibited the plants used and the rigorous discipline adopted by the healers and the restrictions suggested to the victim. The Scorpion sting, bee sting, wasp sting were readily treatable and in snake bite their nasal and ophthalmic application could provide critical time required for the victim to reach hospitals.
Vd. Venkatraman of Pallipalayam gave a lecture demonstration on treating simple fractures and dislocations and also clearly explained the limitations of adopting these methods in complicated fractures. He suggested the healers to avoid head injury and complicated fracture. He also listed the plants used in fracture healing.
Dr.R.Sudha of Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai made a presentation on the preventive care to be adopted by adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating mothers, various gynecological problems, and ways to prevent them and if already diseased safe plant based effective treatment and their scientific validity. This session had many women from public who have come based on news paper report of the inaugural session.
Session on Society and health
Vd .Malaravan spoke on healthy food practices based on tradition and how it helps one to be free from disease. He explained the practical benefits observed while treating people when they sincerely follow Pathyam suggested. Vd.Rajendran enumerated the various plants used in social events and rituals by the tribal and non-tribal people of mettur, kulathur taluk of Salem district. Vd. Somasekaran of Palacode explained about his traditional herbal medicine retail trade and the most commonly used materials by the local community and stressed that the knowledge of traditional medicine is still available with public and healers should take efforts to strengthen the knowledge and make the community use the simple techniques.
The plenary session was chaired by Dr.T.Apparanandam of Siddha Health Foundation and he requested each practitioner to note down their clinical experiences and also adverse effects if any seen. He said the time has come for traditional healers and institutionally trained to enrich their knowledge to provide better healthcare for the people
Visit to Medicinal plant Garden:
All healers were taken to the Medicinal plant demonstration Garden of AIM for SEVA in which over 200 plants are grown and saw the certified organic cultivation of medicinal plants. They also visited the garden were genetic collection from different part of the country of Gymnema, Asparagus, Aegle marmelos, Saraca asoka and Gmelina sp. Vadiyas who have brought seeds of different plants sowed them in the nursery and were in turn provided saplings that they do not have from the nursery. They visited the free hospital run by the trust for the tribal and was surprised by the infrastructure available and also the cleanliness maintained.
Valedictory Session.
Vadiya. S.Usman Ali listed the follow up action to be done by the healers associations and individual healers and assured the support of Centre for Traditional Medicine and Research in providing training in treatment, documentation and IPR related issues. Shri. D.S Raman of Green Kovai assured all assistance to healers in terms of plants, saplings and stressed the need to revive the healing traditions for the benefit of not only the poor marginalized communities living in the remote areas but also to the entire humanity.
Feedback from healers.
The feedback forms were received from all participants and they were very appreciative about the content and the healthy deliberations. They profusely thanked the Department of AYUSH for the funding and CTMR for not only arranging accommodations, travel allowance and also quality content of the presentations. They wanted a workshop on Pulse diagnosis and the ‘Eight tools of diagnosis’ which could be cost effective.
Coverage by media
Both vernacular and English language press covered the event which created wider awareness and Doordarshan Kendra broadcasted the event.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Health survey
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Traditional Healers of தமிழ்நாடு
Centre for Traditional Medicine & Research
4A, 4th Cross Street,
Mahalakshmi Nagar
Chennai - 600 088
Cordially invites you for a two days
Workshop on
Traditional Healers of Tamilnadu-
Health Practices and Ethno botanical Collection
Sponsored by
Dept. of AYUSH.
Govt. of India.
On 31st July and 1st Aug, 2010
0422-2657001 / 2657170
About the workshop
This unique workshop is arranged in such a way that expert traditional healers from different regions of Tamilnadu will share their knowledge in different specialized area of clinical practice. Expert Ethnobotonists will address issues like protecting intellectual properties, promoting the traditional knowledge to benefit larger group of people, establishing exact botanical identities of different plants used. Areas like Varma, Ophthalmology, Bone setting, Mother and Child health,Traditional surgical practices and Cleansing therapies would be covered.
About the venue
Arsha Vidya Gurukulam is the institute for learning of higher consciousness and Sanskrit located at Anaikatti, village bordering Kerala, 25 kms from Coimbatore on the road leading to Silent valley. This institute is run with blessings of Poojya Swami Dayanada Saraswati. AIM for SEVA, an affiliate NGO runs a Model rural hospital for tribal community, Residential hostels for tribal students, Medicinal Plants Demonstration garden, Nursery and Rural medicinal plant processing unit. The visit itself would be a learning experience for traditional healers for establishing similar development model in their respective place.
Please Register Before 15th July.
Accommodation will be provided only for those registering before 15th July.
Contact for Registration
Dr.T.Thirunarayanan- CTMR
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Centre for Traditional Medicine & Research organized a one day seminar on use of Inorganic drugs in Siddha and Ayurveda Healing Tradition on 25th May 2010. Experts from Siddha, Ayurveda, Chemical Technology, Sanskrit Manuscript Experts, Pharmacognosy, ISM Industry and Traditional Healers took part in the Meeting. Ayurvedic Researcher Dr.T.Varadarajan in his opening remark said that though Rasa drugs are considered supreme, the non availability of original mineral ores and deviation from process mentioned in the classics has created a sense that these drugs could potentially create ‘Adverse Drug Reaction’. According to him in many studies carried out so far the complete safety of these drugs in current form has not been proved beyond doubt as many cause chronic toxicity. Though it is a bitter truth not palatable to ISM practitioners one need to accept this and try to make them into non-toxic drugs by improving the process. He also expressed his apprehension that plant drugs may slowly become extinct and therefore there is an urgent need to work more on inorganic drugs.
Dr.T.Thirunarayanan detailed the classification of inorganic drugs in Siddha and sought the help of experts including language experts in deciphering the different inorganic drugs listed under Uparasas and Pashanas. He also pointed out the difficulty in the use of Terminology Karasaarams for Uppus and explained that there exists a general incorrect perception that Pashanas are synonymous with toxins and in reality they mean only Stone or rock like substances. Vaidya S.Usman Ali explained that uparasas are inorganic substances but could be derived from mineral ores and plant exudates or plant parts and also from animal bones, teeth and marine products. He further clarified that most of the Pashanas are synthetic- man made and they could be similar to Siddha drugs Kattu and Kazhangu. The cross listing of certain materials like camphor under uppus should be rectified.
Vaidya. R.B.Ramamoorthy said though nine gems are classified under uparasas they should only be treated as a separate entity. Dr.M.K.Thigarajan, Secretary i/c of IMPCOPS explained that close to 100 inorganic drugs are used in manufacture and each has in-house developed specification and finished products undergo tests as per standards mentioned in traditional texts. He mentioned IMPCOPS being the manufacturer of Herbo-mineral drugs has a fairly large knowledge base which could be provided for developing standards both for manufacturing and quality assurance if Dept. of AYUSH desires.
Mr.N.Srinivasan, Sanskrit scholar brought out the similarities in terminologies as seen in Siddha and Ayurveda literatures and he mentioned as a neutral person having studied both literatures, he is of the firm view that the classification is only a fine line and that need not be a botheration in advancing both system by working together.
In the valedictory session all speakers expressed their wishes to Vaidya.S.Usman Ali Director of CTMR on whose birth day this workshop was organized and mentioned it was only appropriate to have a brainstorming session like this on his birth day.
Dr.S.Rajkumar Research officer,CTMR coordinated the entire proceedings.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Prevent substandard ISM drugs
People in Tamil Nadu scout for extension of inspections on ISM productsTuesday, April 06, 2010 08:00 IST Peethaambaran Kunnathoor, ChennaiEven as the investigation into the re-cycling issue of time-barred allopathic drugs in Tamil Nadu has been handed over to the state CBCID, there is a growing feeling among the people that such inspections should be extended on the Indian System of Medicines (ISM) also, as it may unearth illicit trade practices prevailing in the sector.The stern measures taken by the Chennai Police along with the drug control officials have not only unearthed huge quantum of hidden expired drugs from the godowns of drugs mafia, but also helped to expose the truth that the medicine market was hitherto controlled by a gang of drug racketeers. When a small percent of this mafia’s business could be disclosed by the Chennai police, it is hoped that the initiatives of police might help to filter and purify the drug market in the state. According to ISM industry people, such measures by regulatory and investigation agencies are called for in the herbal medicine market to purify and streamline the state’s own traditional healing system.Tamil Nadu has a unique reputation in the making and selling of herbal drugs, especially Siddha medicines whose credit has gone past the seas. The ISM division functions under a separate department which extends all its possible help for the growth of the industry, though it faces so many regulatory challenges. Unlike the allopathic pharma industry, the traditional medicine industry in the state lacks a strong organizational set-up in manufacturing and trade levels. The application of regulatory norms is less compared to that of the allopathic drug industry taking the advantage of century old history which often helps the units keep away from implementing the strictures of Ayush departments.According to sources, in Tamil Nadu, only 60 ISM manufacturing units have obtained GMP status and about 400 units are continuing operations without securing GMP certification. Many of the herbs prescribed in texts for making particular drugs are not available or unaffordable. For example, ‘Nilavembu Kudineer’ is a popular Siddha drug for viral fever. The main ingredient for the medicine is Sandal wood. Since the cost of Sandalwood is increasingly high, not all the small scale manufacturers can afford to buy it. There are reported cases of spurious and adulterated drugs in the ISM industry, but cases under Drugs & Magic Remedies Act initiated against any company by regulatory authorities are few. Big companies are expending huge amount for advertisement in print and electronic media for marketing their products which are, as per D&C Act, violation of the law.A recent incident shows the fact that strict regulation is necessary in the ISM sector also. In the year 2008, some researchers in the Boston University School of Medicine had found that one fifth of ayurvedic medicines made in the US and India, and sold in various parts America through online business were found to contain more than permissible levels of toxic metals. The study of the research fellows, which was an extension of an earlier study conducted in 2004, was published by an American Medical Journal. So to establish the authenticity and integrity of the Indian medicines, it is the duty of the government to monitor each phase of manufacturing by ensuring that the units are strictly following the GMP norms.In Chennai alone, the number of retail pharmacies selling ISM medicines has exceeded 150, and in the whole state there are more than 1500 pharmacy shops. The herbal scientist and the secretary of the Centre for Traditional Medicines and Research, Dr Thirunarayanan said many of these shops are selling herbo-mineral drugs without proper medical prescriptions. Even many consumers of these drugs are not aware of the shelf life of the medicines. The Department of Ayush has made it clear that every drug should have a shelf life and the expiry and manufacturing dates should be mentioned on the label of the medicines. This is the time the ISM drug authorities need to be cautious and proactive to avoid large scale illicit trade practices, if any in the market, to avoid disrepute to Ayush products.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Traditional Healers Meet at Kolli hills

Centre for Traditional Medicine and Research, Chennai is carrying out a project entitled ‘Documentation and Validation of Local Health Traditions’ in Salem, Namakkal, Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri districts of Tamilnadu with grant from Department of Ayush. Govt.of India. So far over 220 traditional healers have been interviewed and their healing practices documented. As Part of the field based research activity a one day ‘Traditional Healers Conference’ was organized at Block Development office Meeting Hall at Semmedu, Kolli hills in Namakkal District on 3rd April 2010. Over 80 tribal healers and 20 self-help group women leaders took part in the meeting from the different villages of Kolli hills. Eight institutionally trained Siddha physicians and field staff of ISM, forest department also took part in the meet. Dr.M.A Kumar, Deputy Advisor- Siddha and Nodal Officer for LHT projects. Department of Ayush presided over the inaugural session and delivered a lecture detailing the objective of this intervention, mainly to revive the lost healthy traditional health practices which will reduce the health expenditure burden of the community. He stressed that the traditional medical science has survived this long, mainly due to the oral traditions handed over by the healers to the next generation. He also wanted the healers to record them even if they are not immediately willing to share them. He said Govt. is for reviving the safe traditional practices while acting strict on exploitation in the name of Traditional Medicine. Dr.T.Anandan, Director i/c of Siddha Central Research institute lauded the service rendered by the traditional healers for their services to the humanity in remote forest areas. In his inaugural address he emphasized the need to live in harmony with nature, as living in harmony with nature is the cornerstone of health care in traditional medicine and appealed to the practitioners to use the medicinal plants in a sustainable way and regenerate them in home gardens,
Community parks and as hedge crop in their agricultural land.Four vaidyas Mooligai selvaraj, Ponnusamy, K.P.Varadharajan and SC Balliya presented their healing practices and appealed to other practitioners to share their experience
Dr.T.Thirunarayanan shared the findings of the research so far and the healers took active part in the deliberations which followed. Vaidya S.Usman Ali, director – CTMR made a presentation on the Plants of Kolli hills and their utility, sustainable usage techniques. Dr.Balamurugan of Rasipuram, Dr.Thamaraiselvi, Dr.Jeyabarathi and Dr. Vadivelan Siddha medical officers of Kolli hills shared the views of the institutionally trained Siddha physicians and expressed their willingness to work closely with traditional healers. Dr. G. Senthilvel of CCRAS Delhi and Dr.H.R.Vasanthi Asst. Prof of Biochemistry Sri Ramachandra Medical university were also present in the meeting to explore the possibility of future research in this area.The healers displayed the fresh plants used by them, Raw drugs used by them and rare form of medicines prepared by them. The healers also visited the medicinal plants garden maintained in the botanical garden and Vaidya. S.Usman Ali explained to them the propagation technique to be adopted for different plants.
Dr.S.Rajkumar of CTMR and Dr. Oliver king of MSSRF acted as facilitators for the vaidyas.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Book offers herbal cures for ailments
April 3: At a time when Chennai has been flooded with spurious medicines, a city college has come out with a book that can help people identify and preserve medicinal plants found in the metropolis.Medicinal Plants - Profiles and Values, published by the department of botany, DG Vaishnav College, is a first of its kind.“We have profiled more than 80 medicinal plants in this book. The uniqueness of these herbs is that they are all safe and do not have any documented adverse reaction,” said S. Narasimhan, principal, DG Vaishnav College.T. Thirunarayanan, secretary, Centre For Traditional Medicines and Research, who led the team that edited the book, said there are many medicinal plantsin the city and surrounding areas, but they selected only plants which were useful in the treatment of common ailments.“This book will hopefully reduce the need to go to the doctor with commoncold, cough, flu or headache,” said Dr Thirunarayanan.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Book on External Therapies of Siddha
1. Signifcance of External therapies
2. Topical applications-Compress, Poultice, Liquid application, Ointment, Medicated Gauze,
Medicated Wick, Paste, Medicated Flour paste, Powder
3. Heat Therapy-Steam Therapy, Medicated Pouch, Fomentation, Fumigation,
4. Ophthalmic application-Collyrium, Eye drops
5. Nasal applications- Nasal drops, Snuff, Blowing
6. Medicated Water and Douch
7. Surgical Procedures-Incision, Probe, Chemical Cautery
8. Bone Setting- Immobilization and Reduction,
9. Blood Letting- Drain and Vene section, Leech application.
10. Physical Therapies-Physical Manipulation, Varmam, Powder Massage
11. External therapies for prevention of disease and promotion of health